Evropske zdravniške organizacije
- AEMH - European Association of Hospital Physicians
- CPME - Standing Committee of European Doctors
- CEOM - European Conference of Medical Orders
- EJD - European Junior Doctors
- EGPRW - The European General Practice Research Workshop
- EMSA - European Medical Students' Association
- EQuiP - European Working Party on Quality in Family Practice
- EUMASS - European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security
- EURACT - European Academy of Teachers in General Practice
- European Commision
- FEMS - European Federation of Salaried Doctors
- PWG - Permanent Working Group of European Junior Doctors
- UEMO - European Union of General Practitioners
- UEMS - European Union of Medical Specialists
- ZEVA - Simposyum of the central and eastern medical chambers of physicians